Former Vår Framtid

Transforming Our Futures

gjennom utvikling, bærekraftige prosesser og sunn praksis

gjennom upartiskhet og godt styresett

gjennom partnerskap og samarbeid

utvikling i tråd med FN's bærekraftsmål

TOF TOF arbeider for å forme framtiden til lokalsamfunn verden over. Dette skal skje gjennom utvikling og pleie av sunn kulturell kunnskap og bærekraftig økologisk, sosial og økonomisk praksis. TOF er opptatt av å nå målene for bærekraftig utvikling
TOF er en ideell og ikke-statlig organisasjon

TOF engasjerer seg i følgende områder

Område I

Bærekraftige prosesser og sunn praksis

Bærekraftig utvikling gjennom; å styrke kunnskap og rettigheter, å sørge for gode prosesser og retningslinjer, effektivitet i ressursbruk og forvaltning av dens følger, resirkulering samt kunnskap om det sosiale miljøet og helsemessig tilbørlig aktsomhet og standarder

Område II

Folkehelse, levebrød og innovasjon

Individuell og samfunnsmessig livskvalitet gjennom å fostre levebrød og innovasjon, helse og mat-systemer, kulturelt mangfold og bevaring, verdsetting av tradisjonell praksis og inkludering av sårbare grupper samt transparent informasjon

Område III

Global endring:
Mestring og tilpasning

Work on global changes-needs and their knowledge: land use change and off-sets, climate adaptation and coping, renewable energy, waste and resource management

Need a SDG framework and measurable indicators for your project?
We can assist

International Conference Sessions and Presentations – 2024

TOF Presents at International Association of Impact Assessment (IAIA) Conference, Dublin, 2024. Invited paper on Benefit Sharing and Challenges.

International Capacity Building, AFRICA 2023: governance, risks, resettlement, SIA and ESIA in Ghana

TOF completed a course with ICH on SIA within the context of Africa. Ghana. May 2023.

International Capacity Building, AFRICA 2023: Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) in renewable energy projects. Nairobi. 

TOF completed a pilot course on ESG in Nairobi Course covered ESG procedures and requirements in renewable energy projects. Stakeholder engagement was also covered as an implicit part of ESG.

KfW Project completed – 2023

TOF completed a project in Indonesia funded by the by the German Development Bank (KfW) in 2023. Screened 25 projects for environmental and social impacts. Designed key safeguard plans/frameworks and guidance, and an ESMF.    

International Capacity Building 2023: future transmission and distribution

TOF expert presented environmental, health and social methods, development implications and management in an international course on Electricity Transmission and distribution for the Future. Emphasis was put on case studies to illustrate approach.

E&S safeguards screening of 25 field stations from Sumatra to Papua, Indonesia (for the German Development Bank, KfW, and EU)

TOF for the German Development Bank (KfW) is conducting environmental and social (E&S) screening of 25 field stations in Indonesia for an ambitious and innovative project in Indonesia. The INABRAIN Project – Acquisition of Indonesian Biodiversity as Fundamental...

International Conference Sessions and Presentations – 2023

TOF Presents at International Conference, ASIA2023 TOF presents a paper on  Benefit Sharing in energy projects at the ASIA2023. The paper is based on international experience and lessons learned. TOF also coauthors a paper and presentation on renewable energy...

International Capacity Building, AFRICA 2023: governance, risks, resettlement, SIA and ESIA in Ghana

TOF is leading a new course with ICH on SIA within the context of ESIA to be held in Ghana in May 2023.

Three KfW Projects completed – 2022

TOF completed three projects in Indonesia funded by the by the German Development Bank (KfW) in 2022 on environmental and social safeguards and labour regulatory/practice assessments and engaged with various stakeholders.

International Capacity Building 2022: future transmission and distribution

TOF expert presented environmental, health and social methods, development implications and management in an international course on Electricity Transmission and distribution for the Future.
